Dear Christina, I've heard you talk before about how our feelings can either be rational or irrational and the way you describe it makes so much sense. I've never heard someone describe it like you do. Can you describe it again so that I can really get it? It was so helpful to me the first time I heard you say it. -Justin Dear Justin, Hi! Thanks for writing in. I … [Read more...] about How do I know if my feelings are rational or irrational?
Coaching Responses
How do I honor God in all things?
Dear Christina, The other day I saw a Bible verse that said honor God in all things that I do. How do I even do that? What does that look like? -Anonymous Dear Anonymous, Thank you for writing in and asking such a simple yet profound question. Interestingly, I believe that the answer to healing the world and the heart and mind of every human lies in the answer to … [Read more...] about How do I honor God in all things?
How do I move past a boss who’s blocking my career growth?
Dear Christina, I have a boss that is stifling my career. I need to move past him. It has gotten to a ridiculous point. He controls my pay, promotions, etc. I believe he feels threatened by my education and experience. -Clay Dear Clay, Thank you for writing in. I’m sorry to hear that you feel like your boss is stifling your career. I know there are many people who … [Read more...] about How do I move past a boss who’s blocking my career growth?
Why can’t I accomplish my dreams?
Dear Christina, Here are my questions for you: I started following a new internet personality. I really like what he has to say, despite him being very offensive to most people. After watching a lot of his content and joining his course, I realized how much of a lazy loser I am. I’ve been in the program for 3+ months and made $0. Whereas people younger than me (14-15 … [Read more...] about Why can’t I accomplish my dreams?
How do I handle a recent breakup?
Dear Christina, My boyfriend of seven months broke up with me on Friday. We did long distance (bordering states) and saw each other about two weekends a month since he’s a Marine. Our relationship seemed healthy, and we discussed plans for engagement when he gets back from deployment (October-April). We talked about our future together while having fun in the present. He … [Read more...] about How do I handle a recent breakup?
Why do I feel disconnected from my partner every time there’s conflict?
Dear Christina, I just want clarity on my relationship because I'm having trouble being vulnerable in my connection. I feel like there's a disconnect every time things don’t go a certain way and I'm working on not taking things so personally, even though he’s my first real connection. - Simone Dear Simone, Thank you for writing in and thank you for asking for … [Read more...] about Why do I feel disconnected from my partner every time there’s conflict?
Why Do People Hurt Me So Much?
Dear Christina, Why do people hurt me so much? -Kelsea Dear Kelsea, Thank you for writing in and thank you for asking such a beautiful and vulnerable question. I have learned through my own quest to not be so wounded by other people and things that most often the depths of the hurt I feel in any given moment, is usually a direct sign of the depths of my … [Read more...] about Why Do People Hurt Me So Much?
How Do I Get Out of a Relationship That Isn’t Right for Me?
Dear Christina, How do I get out of a relationship that I know isn't right for me, but I can't seem to make the jump? -Trisha Dear Trisha, Thank you for writing in. Great question. :) I have some initial questions: First, how do you know they're not right for you? Do you fight a lot? Feel small in their presence? Get triggered a lot? Feel bored around … [Read more...] about How Do I Get Out of a Relationship That Isn’t Right for Me?
What Creates Negative Energy in Us?
Dear Christina, What creates negative energy in us? -Shannon Thanks for writing in and asking such a simple but powerful question! I’ve broken my response down into sections because there’s a lot here. Actually, there’s far more that I’d like to communicate, however, there’s only so much I can fit into a single blog post. So I’ve tried to keep it simple (emphasis on … [Read more...] about What Creates Negative Energy in Us?
My life isn’t the way I want it to be. How do I stop being so angry at everyone and everything?
Dear Christina, This is going to be hard to convey in one entry. I'm 33 and recently moved out of living with ex-fiancé. I have done weekly therapy for 9 months and tried really hard to learn healthy/respectful/productive ways to argue, and no progress was made. We were together for 4 years. I'd been trying to get pregnant for the last 9 months without any success, which now … [Read more...] about My life isn’t the way I want it to be. How do I stop being so angry at everyone and everything?
I don’t want to leave this world without having meaning in my soul.
Dear Christina, Not long ago, I saw one of your videos talking about the inner child. I started talking and praying to my inner child to try to heal him and to heal me. I know a lot of people have had bad experiences and some way worse than me, but what concerns me is that there’s so much unusual pain of not knowing what real love is. I think I do, but it seems it’s not in … [Read more...] about I don’t want to leave this world without having meaning in my soul.
Why can’t I push past the barriers that are in my mind?
Dear Christina, Why can’t I push past the barriers in my mind, whether they originated from me or others? I used to think that I couldn’t push past my limits, didn’t find a reason to, or just didn’t try to until recently where I’ve made the effort to change my mindset and how I view myself. I want to be able to move on and move forward. But it seems to me that I can’t … [Read more...] about Why can’t I push past the barriers that are in my mind?
Why do I keep sabotaging my health with overeating and drinking?
Dear Christina, I keep sabotaging my health...overeating and drinking the last four years after not drinking for 20 years and doing this is making it impossible to accomplish my dreams. Please help. ~Tami Dear Tami, Thank you for writing in. Let me first say that if your alcohol use is dangerous for you or others, please seek immediate medical support in your … [Read more...] about Why do I keep sabotaging my health with overeating and drinking?
How do I forgive my mom and my family for the pain they caused me?
Dear Christina, Thank you for the last video you made about my mom. After listening to it I realized that I still have some resentment towards her and my family for their lack of belief in me and for misjudging me and making me feel like I had to always show up in a certain way to get their love and attention. I find it hard for me to forgive them. I still feel the pain … [Read more...] about How do I forgive my mom and my family for the pain they caused me?
How do I handle my mom’s dreams for my life?
Dear Christina, This weekend I went out to eat with my mom and aunt. And it was interesting for me to see the situation my mom is in. For basically all my life, she had been pushing me to become a nurse because "I'll always have a job", she would say. But to this day she is looking for a new job, on unemployment, and never looking to retire. -Anonymous Dear … [Read more...] about How do I handle my mom’s dreams for my life?