Have you ever shamed yourself for feeling what you feel? Have you ever talked down to yourself and wished you felt differently than you do?
So often when I am working with someone, they shame themselves for their feelings or they belittle themselves for being “so stupid” to get hurt or angry or worked up over [blank] or [blank] or [blank].
And I have to lovingly remind them that every feeling they have matters and every emotion that bubbles up is important and relevant to them. It doesn’t have to be important or relevant to anyone else. Just them.
You see, our feelings are our superpower and none of them have to “make sense”. Making sense of something is what our minds try to do, but our feelings and our emotions are energy. They may not always make sense to the mind, but they will always make sense to the soul and to the spirit.
Connecting to the feelings you have — especially the ones that don’t feel so good — is part of the unfolding of your soul, no one else’s. So before you shame yourself or judge yourself or damn yourself, just remember you are a beautiful incarnation of yourself and there’s no one quite like you on earth. And it’s your soul that has lessons and a journey to go on that is your soul’s alone. No one can take the journey for you and no one can take it away from you.
Whatever doesn’t feel good in your life is a place where you are being given the chance to learn, heal, and grow. Doing so will get you closer to living the life you dream of. This I can promise you.
Below is a quick video of encouragement and support.
And just remember, what creates big feels for you may be a small thing to someone else and vice versa. But the difference does not make your feelings (or their feelings) any less valid, valuable, or important. It just means your two souls aren’t being given the chance to learn the same lessons at the same time and in the same way. That’s all.
But, there is one thing that we are all doing at the exact same time: We are all journeying toward the light. It is our starting points, speed, trajectories, and our pathways to getting there that are different. And no matter how awful or ridiculous you think your feelings are, nor how awful you think someone else’s, the truth of the matter remains the same: every single feeling that every single person has matters. It’s all relevant and has meaning to and for us all.
I’ll leave you with something to consider: The feelings you have about someone else’s feelings matter to you. If you don’t have good feelings about someone else’s feelings, consider it an invitation your soul is giving to you to learn, heal, and grow a bit more. If you’re confused as to why, send me a note and I’ll help unpack it for you. 🙂
With love, gratitude, grit, and grace,

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